Encounter with ghost of William Carleton (1794-1869).

(Basilica Lough Derg. Start of pilgrimage). Childhood memories.
My Da Your Da by Damian Gorman
The verse drama explores the varying perceptions which individual family members have of their 'da'.

(St. Patrick's cross-renunciation of sins). Ghost of foreign mission's priest.
Sarah by Mark Brennan
A monologue for two voice.

(Early morning at Lough Derg). Encounter with ghosts of old school-masters from Anahorish School.

(Leaving Basilica). Memories of young love.
Men in Black by Robin Glendinning
Adapted from a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the play dramatises the conflict between the Puritan
ethic and that of the new free world of the early settlers
The Names by Jennifer Johnston
Listing the names of the Apprentice Boys who locked the gates of Derryforthe Siege and the names of the
dead of Bloody Sunday, the two events are symbolically linked
Caoin by Frank McGuinness
An elegy for Enniskillen for 11 voices

(Water's edge Lough Derg). Beginning of ghosts from 'the Troubles'-footballer.

(St. Brigid's Bed - late evening and to hostel). Ghost of archaeologist and second cousin.

Dream of meeting hunger-striker. Self-doubt. Metaphor of awakening.
Oisin by Michael Longley
A reworking of the myth of Tir Na nOg, the land of the ever young

(Morning business at the hostel). Objects from the past reappear in a new light.

Things fall into place. Translation of St. John on the Cross poem.

(Leaving Station Island). Encounter with ghost of James Joyce -
'Let go, let fly, forget. You've listened long enough. Now strike your note.'

copyright 2004