miss julie
miss julie 1

Kate Fenwick Kristin Hewson

“Nick Philippou's powerful production achieves a fine balance between the theatrical naturalism that Strindberg
pioneered with this piece and the expressionism that developed from it.”
“A fascinating evening and an object lesson on how to treat a classic”
“A claustrophobic hothouse of sexuality and a frenzy of passion”
“Miss Julie is a compelling watch and Kate Fenwick gives a very powerful performance in the title role”
“A scary set, music straight out of SEVEN and the acting was amazing”
“A dynamic version of this cautionary tale... enhanced by an eerie and striking set”
“This is an imaginative and masterly production by ATC of Stindberg's compulsive drama”
“Nick Philippou directs this new poetic and hard-edged translation by Gregory Motton with subtle pascing and a rise
and fall of emotion that proves totally involving”

“Kate Fenwick and Peter Lindford create an erotic midsummer madness that was as memorable as it was hypnotic.
Real live theatre magic.”
copyright 2004