Beginning with a single fairy tale the play offered a radical and subversive interpretation of the simplicity inherent within
most childrens stories. The work of Jack Zipes, professor at Michigan University, was an influence.The piece began its development through workshops with young people held sporadically through the summer and autumn of 1999 before finally being workshopped with professional actors, leading up to its premiere in the Fall of 2000. It became clear in correspondence and convesation with Professor Zipes that fairy tales (or wonder tales as they are also known) are deeply important to the human psyche. Beginning with young peoples preconceptions of fairy tales we went on to examine the wishes and fears of young people at the beginning of the 21st century. In his seminal work “Breaking The Magic Spell” Zipes speaks of fairy tales ushering in the new millenium. Read more... |
A man had two sons. The elder was strong and smart and could do everything. The younger was stupid and weak and could neither learn nor understand anything. The father often sent the eldest son on errands that took him through the churchyard. He would run all the way home shuddering and full of fear. The younger son didn't understand why his brother behaved in such a way. The day came when the father asked his youngest son what skill he would like to learn to support himself. The young son told his father that the one thing he'd like to learn would be how to shudder. The father couldn't believe how stupid his son was and he sent him out into the world to learn how to shudder. |